Today’s affirmation: “Just Do It!”
Your resistance to that thing you don’t want to do Is often worse than that thing you don’t want to do! Just do it!
Oh, how often have you agonized about something that you really, really need to do? Be it a chore, an apology, an action, a change… We all procrastinate, put off, fall on the floor and kick and scream… haha. Yeah, me too!
More often than not, just taking a deep breath, and plowing ahead into whatever you need to do delivers complete relief once it it done.
Many times, I’ll look back with satisfaction that I’ve done ‘it’ and wondered what the heck the problem was! So today, I declare… JUST DO IT! ~Susan
#affirmation #daily #positive #selflove #selfhelp #positivethinking #selftalk #empath #balance #rockshop #paducahky #healing #emotionalhealth #faith #calm #healthy #whole #spiritual #balanced
Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels