Beaver Moon Wisdom: Strengthening Your Spirit Under the Full Moon’s Glow

Leveraging Full Moon Magic for Spiritual Protection

Susan Edwards
4 min readNov 26, 2023


Full moon magic
Photo by Ciprian @Stock.Adobe

In ancient lore, November’s Beaver Moon signifies a time when beavers built their winter dams. Just as the beaver readies for winter, we can draw inspiration from nature and harness this lunar energy to fortify our foundations and prepare our spiritual and physical “lodges.”

Astrologically, the Full Moon is a time of culmination, urging us to reflect on the past and release what no longer serves us. Use this lunar energy to declutter your mind and space, fortifying your inner resources for the winter ahead. By reflecting on the lessons of the past, you can build a resilient inner sanctuary for the colder days ahead.

Here are a few suggestions for this Full Moon ritual in case you’re unsure how to start. Be sure to make it your own!


  • Find a quiet space and close your eyes.
  • Imagine yourself as a beaver, diligently building your spiritual dam.
  • Envision this dam as a strong, protective barrier against negativity and life’s challenges.
  • As you mentally construct your dam, affirm your strength and resilience.



Susan Edwards

Licensed Spiritual Healer (LSH) and Life Coach, Advanced Pranic Healing® and Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Certified Ho’ Oponopono, author, and speaker.